Changing DNSAny time you make a DNS (domain name server) change it can take 24-48 hours to complete, although it is now usually quicker than this. During this proprogation time routers all over the world are updating their cache. This causes your site to be up and down randomly during the first 48 hours for different people at different times. Think of dns like a zip code. If you don't put a zip code on your mail the post office doesn't know where to send it. Domains are the same way if they don't have the DNS the Internet doesn't know which server to send your request to. For you to see the effects, however, all depends on your ISP. Updates my be within minutes for your neighbor, but may take up to 48 hours for you or vice-versa. The reason for this is the name servers for your ISP update at different times. For various ISPs it is quite possible for DNS to take a week to update. This is extreme, but possible. Most updates are done at least daily now, and most often, even every few hours, but there are no guarantees.